Make Your Voice Heard Today On Net Neutrality

By Peter SM RSS Tue, July 15, 2014

As I wrote back in May, the fight for Net Neutrality has picked up considerable steam with the recent FCC proposal that would allow a “fast lane” of preferential treatment through which cable conglomerates and content providers could offer their services, all the while setting price points to obscene levels and unleveling the playing field of The Internet as a whole.

What that basically means to most of us, especially those who work at and use the important services that libraries, non-profits, and other learning institutions provide to the public, is not a good thing at all.

For more information concerning libraries and other learning institutions and the very real impact these new rules could impose, ALA recently released its comments and outline on Net Neutrality Principles.

Today is the last day to tell the FCC how you feel about Net Neutrality.

Please make your voice heard and help preserve the open Internet. Help get the word out via social media: Tweet about it or post a Facebook status update to your wall! Write up your own blog post or forward this one around!

Update July 16th
The comment period has been extended til Friday, July 18th due to an "overwhelming surge in traffic" yesterday that crashed the FCC's servers!

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