Language Through My Kitchen: Latin Cuisine

By Mary Marques RSS Thu, October 8, 2020

The Latin American Book Fair, in partnership with the Culinary Literacy Center, will be presenting Language Through My Kitchen: Latin Cuisine, during a virtual event broadcast on Facebook on Friday, October 16, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The idea of this project is to explore the origins of culinary ingredients and to provide the historic-cultural background of the dishes. 

Celebrating Latin American Cuisine
This concept was born during a brainstorm creative session of the book fair committee members. In that meeting, they were discussing the importance of community partnership in this project. The Culinary Literacy Center was recommended as a potential participant to assist with this idea. This center is known for teaching literacy skills through cooking; Edible Alphabet, Nourishing Literacy, Pop-up Cooking Classes are some of the instruction curriculum models developed to guide learning to the participants of all ages. This magnificent industrial kitchen is located on the fourth floor of Parkway Central Library

Exploring Cultures Over Flavors
This concept "will inspire the audience to learn about Latin Cuisine. Our idea will showcase the cultural and linguistic aspects of our most famous dishes. We will use historic references, anecdotes, and recipes" was the proposal of the book fair team. With additional help from talented community leaders, chefs, bloggers, and volunteers, this project will kick off with the Peruvian dish: "La causa rellena."

Behind the story of a dish
Do you know that each country in Latin American has a great variety of dishes that tell the history and evolution of its culture? As you know, oral traditions are passed from one generation to another. Have you heard about traditional recipes such as: ceviche, papa a la huancaína, pozole, arepa, or empanada? It is very interesting to see how similar some ingredients are, and how differently we use them in our own kitchen.

Second Latin American Book Fair: Going Virtual!
COVID-19 has changed the way we interact in social gatherings, and we must comply with health measures and safety protocols to avoid the spread of this disease. This year the book fair is going virtual! On Thursday, October 15, we will be opening with the poetry section.  On Friday, October 16, the program will be dedicated to the children's segment; the little ones of the house will have the opportunity to listen to family stories that speak of cultural traditions. And finally, on Saturday, October 17, we will close with the presentation of books from other literary genres.


For more information, please visit Follow the event news on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook at @latinbookfair. 

Let's celebrate the quilt of cultures, languages, and traditions together!

#LABF #latinos #bookfair #philadelphia #libros #español #languages #cultures #traditions

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