Beyond Darwin: Evolution in the Modern World
Science and Wellness at Parkway Central Library
While the scientific understanding of evolution has advanced tremendously since Darwin, when evolution is taught today, the focus has remained on natural selection as the primary force. This Wagner Free Institute of Science course, presented by Professor Jason Downs, is intended to reveal the theory in its entirety and from the grandest perspectives. The course will explore all of evolution’s mechanisms, how they interact across species and ecosystems, and finally, how a firm understanding of evolution becomes a powerful tool in addressing modern biological questions.
This free course requires pre-registration. Separate registration is required for each student. Register here
6 Saturdays, February 24 - March 30, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Parkway Central Library, Science & Wellness Department
Science and Wellness
Room 202
Parkway Central Library
1901 Vine Street (between 19th and 20th Streets on the Parkway)
Philadelphia, PA 19103
1-833-TALK FLP (825-5357)