Page to Stage: Ages 13 - 18
Wadsworth Library
In this one-hour session we invite children to listen to a story and then will ask them how it can be told as a play. We will do some theater warm-ups and then talk about the characters in the play. Children may volunteer to perform the scenes and then discuss some of the lessons the stories taught, and ways we can use those lessons. At the end of the four-weeks we might perform our scenes. Additionally, teens will be given an opportunity to use the monologues to focus on strategies for a successful school year. We will use a variety of scenarios to create both positive and negative outcomes of the choices we make.
These programs will meet on September 3, 10, 17 and 24, and are led by members of Cross Culture Theater.
Wadsworth Library
1500 Wadsworth Avenue (Wadsworth & Michener Aves.)
Philadelphia, PA 19150-1699