Newspapers and Microfilm Center Reproduction Services
Obituary/Death Notices
To search for an obituary or death notice, please send up to three names including first/last name and specify either date of death or burial: Mo/Day/Year. We will send a maximum of three scans per request, searching up to two newspapers per name submitted if the date is known. We will conduct a month-long search for one newspaper if the exact death or burial date is unknown.
A $10 fee will be charged for the search even if staff cannot locate the information.
Phone/Address Directories
To search for a directory listing, please indicate the type of directory you want searched and supply up to three combinations of year/name or Philadelphia address. We will send a maximum of three scans per request.
A $10 fee will be charged for the search even if staff cannot locate the information.
Newspaper Articles
To search for an article, please supply the name of the newspaper, the month/day/year in which the article was published, and any other identifying information, such as title/author or subject of the article if known. We will send a maximum of three scans per request.
A $10 fee will be charged for the search even if staff cannot locate the information.
Submitting Requests
To submit a request, complete the Ask a Librarian form or send via mail:
Free Library of Philadelphia
Newspapers and Microfilm Center
1901 Vine Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103