Item Info
Language: Latin
Folio Number: ff. 19v-20r
Source: Rare Book Department
This item appeared in the exhibition "Sacred Stories: The World's Religious Traditions" in the Rare Book Department, August 2015-January 2016.
This is the label from that exhibition:
This volume includes both a Psalter (the Christian Book of Psalms) and a book of hours (a personal devotional prayerbook). The full-page initial B marks the beginning of Psalm 1, showing King David playing the organ and, below, a young David slaying Goliath (here depicted as a medieval knight).
Notes: In this full-page initial B beginning Psalm 1, "Beatus vir..." (Blessed is the man), King David plays an organ in the upper register. In the lower register, a young David slays Goliath, depicted here as a medieval knight. The first lines of the psalm are written in decorative script below. The fanciful marginal figures are typical of Franco-Flemish border decoration at the end of the thirteenth century.
Notes: Initial B, beginning Psalm 1
Sirsi Catalog Key: 1466041
Country: Country:France
City/Town/Township:Amiens ?
Cardinal Point:northeastern
Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): 1275
Image Dimensions Width: 185 mm
ShelfMark: Widener 9