Aerial View, Cramp shipyard and Port Richmond area
Historical Images of Philadelphia Charles Higgins NegativesItem Info
Item No: pdch00238
Title: Aerial View, Cramp shipyard and Port Richmond area
Creation Date:
Media Type: Photographic Negatives
Source: Print and Picture Collection
Image taken by Philadelphia Evening Bulletin photographer Charles T. Higgins. Notes on the negative's envelope read: "Dec 7, 1953, aerial views, PortRicjmond shipping center and Cramp ship yard, including Richmond area"
This December 7, 1953, image shows an aerial view of the Port Richmond area of North Philadelphia. To the immediate left of the network of cargo train lines, is the Cramp Shipbuilding Company. It was founded in 1830 and closed in 1927; then it was reopened by the Navy in the 1940s, and permanently closed in 1947. No longer an active shipbuilding concern, its site serves as warehousing on the Delaware River.
Geocode Latitude: Geocode Longitude:-75.119709
Geocode Latitude:39.974803
Creator Name: Higgins, Charles - Photographer