
Item Info

Item No: mcat082451
Title: [Recognizance]
Folio Number: front
Original Year/Month/Day: March 19, 1594
Source: Rare Book Department
Notes: Kant...M(emoran)d(u)m quod deci(m)o nouo die m(at)tii a(nn)o regne...Elizabethe...Ang(lie)...Reine...XXXV1 William Best of Willmington, Kent, Husbandman, Henry Browne, Nicholas Browne Browne, Abraham Whithead, and John Haselwood, of the sameplace, also husbandman, recognized a debt to the crown of 10 lbs each before justice of the Peace Justinian Champeneis, if Best shall not appear before the next general session of the justices at Maidstone and in the meantime be of good behavior [this condition appended in English]
Country: Country:England

Image Dimensions Width: 9.1 cm
ShelfMark: Lewis T245

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