
Item Info

Item No: mcat082491
Title: [Recognizance]
Folio Number: front
Source: Rare Book Department
Notes: Kant...M9emoran)d(um) q(uo) decimo septo die Novembris an(n)o regni...Jacobi...Anglie...reg(is)septimo et Scotie XLiii William Pearles of Hever, Kent, s savoyer, and William Douglas of Hever, husbandman,and Abraham Clover of Hever,Warriner, appeared before Justices of the Peace Ralph BoswyLe and Thomas Potter and to the condition in English on the back, that Pearles andwill appear at the next general session of the king's justices at Maidstone, Kent and will behave in the meantime.
Country: Country:England

ShelfMark: Lewis T249

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