[Recognizance, England]

Medieval Manuscripts Text Leaves
[Recognizance, England]

Item Info

Item No: mcat154051
Title: [Recognizance, England]
Folio Number: front
Source: Rare Book Department
Notes: Recognizance in which William Walkelin of Chiddingstone, Kent, acknowledges before Justice of the Peace George Ry..ers a debt to the crown of 10 lbs and his sureties Drewe Web of Witham and Robert Stretfyld of [?] 5 lbs each if Walkelin does not keep the conditions endorsed in English viz. his appearance at the next general session of the Justices of the Peace in Maidstone and be of good behavior especially towards Katheren Beanes of Chiddingestone. Signed by Justice George [R.]
Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): 1600
ShelfMark: Lewis T405

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