Religious Miscellany

Medieval Manuscripts
Religious Miscellany

Item Info

Item No: mca0270011
Title: Religious Miscellany
Additional Title: Religious Miscellany
Script: Gothic
Language: Latin
Folio Number: f. 1r
Source: Rare Book Department

This leaf contains an index and inscription (both in English) indicating the sale of the manuscript by Benjamin Ashworth of Philadelphia to Rudolph Frederick Kelker of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania , on Oct. 14, 1873.


This manuscript may be dated to ca. 1450.


This religious miscellany contains 19 texts by various churchmen, including Bernard of Clairvaux (Flores, Homilae LXXXIII super Canticum Canticorum, De sanctificatione virginis, De dispensatione et praecepto); Augustine of Hippo (De anima et spiritu, Enchiridion de fide, spe et caritate, De baptismo parvulorum, De unico baptismo, De orando deo, De dogmatibus ecclesiasticis, De doctrina christiania, De agone christiana); Gregory of Nyssa (De conditione hominis), Richard of St. Victor (De statu hominis interioris, De praeparatione animae ad contemplationem), Jerome (Epistle VI, De morte Oziae); Anselm of Canterbury, and one unidentified author (Incipit liber de unitate et uno...).

Country: Country:Flanders

Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): 1460
Image Dimensions Width: 311 mm
ShelfMark: Lewis E 27

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