Expositio super salutationem angelicam (Exposition on the Annunciation)
Medieval ManuscriptsItem Info
Language: Latin
Folio Number: f. 101r
Original Year/Month/Day: 1415
Source: Rare Book Department
A scribal colophon dates this manuscript to 1415 and names the scribe as Henry, warden of the church of the parish of Kampen, located in the present-day Netherlands.
Incipit with initial Q and border decoration
This manuscript contains the Expositio super orationem dominicam, Expositio super salutationem angelicam, and Expositio super symbolum Apostolorum. The author is named as "frater G. humilis monachus abbacie Herlyacenis" in a dedication to the Bishop of Auxanne. However, it should be noted that the incipit to this text closely matches the Speculum beatae Mariae virginis by Conrad of Saxony.
Country: Country:Netherlands
Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): 1415
Image Dimensions Width: 280 mm
ShelfMark: Lewis E 79
Creator Name: Gulielmus Herlyacensis - Author
Henry of Kampen - Scribe