Flight into Egypt

Item Info

Item No: mcai310341
Title: Flight into Egypt
Additional Title: Forgery
Folio Number: front
Source: Rare Book Department

Flight into Egypt painting by the Spanish Forger.  The Forger, who operated in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, often worked with old panels in order to make his paintings appear more genuine.

Scholars are still uncertain of the Spanish Forger's origin--he came by his name by way of a panel titled "Betrothal of St. Ursula," detected by Belle da Costa Greene, the first Director of The Pierpont Morgan Library--the work had previously been attributed to a Spanish artist.

For more information about the Spanish Forger, see the book of the same title by William Voelkle, assisted by Roger S. Wieck.

Country: Country:Unknown

Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): 1920
ShelfMark: Lewis E M 31:34
Creator Name: Spanish Forger - Artist

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