ALs to T. Yeats Brown

Charles Dickens
ALs to T. Yeats Brown

Item Info

Item No: cdc531801
Title: ALs to T. Yeats Brown
Accession Number: 2008-3(1)
Physical Description: [2] pages
Material: paper

                                Tuesday Evening June Third 1845.
My Dear Sir
                I must beg you – with the greatest reluctance – to excuse me this Evening.
                It has only this moment come to my knowledge that you expect guests whom I have never seen or heard of in my life. If I knew them I have no doubt I should be as happy to read to them as I should be to read to you; but I do not know them; and I have an invincible repugnance to that kind of exhibition which an otherwise pleasant recreation becomes under such circumstances. It may be a natural and rational dislike or it may be very much beside the mark.    But I have it.
                I am truly sorry that I did not explain this general objection of mine more explicitly to you, some days ago. But I thought in the first instance that you would perhaps infer it from my dislike to reading out of my own house. And I felt sure you were in full possession of it, when Mrs. Browne proposed to make a special exception in the case of Lady Pellew and her daughter. To which I was unfeignedly glad to assent.
                It is no fault of mine, but rests solely with Mrs. Dickens, that I write you at so late a moment. It is not ten minutes since she told me what you told her of your arrangements, last Sunday.
                Always My Dear Sir
                                Faithfully Yours
                                                Charles Dickens
T. Yeats Brown Esquire

MssDate: Tuesday Evening June Third 1845.
Media Type: Letters
Source: Rare Book Department

According to footnote 2 on page 317, volume 4, of The Letters of Charles Dickens, CD had agreed to read A Christmas Carol to the party at Yeats Brown's, and eventually did to a "select circle".

Recipient: Brown, Timothy Yeats, 1789-1858
Provenance: Maggs Bros. Ltd, 5/08, Benoliel Fund.


Volume 4, p. 317, The Letters of Charles Dickens, edited by Madeline House & Graham Storey ; associate editors, W.J. Carlton … [et al.].

Country: Creation Place Note:Palazzo Peschiere

Call Number: DL B815 1845-06-03
Creator Name: Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870 - Author

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