Fuero real (Royal municipal code)

Medieval Manuscripts
Fuero real (Royal municipal code)

Item Info

Item No: mca2450030
Title: Fuero real (Royal municipal code)
Script: Gothic bookhand (Iberian textualis)
Language: Spanish
Folio Number: ff. 3v-4r
Source: Rare Book Department
Notes: Initial E
Notes: The manuscript was produced after 1255.
Notes: This opening marks the beginning of a model code of municipal law known as the Fuero Real compiled by the Spanish monarch Alfonso X, king of Castile and León from 1252 until his death in 1284. Each of the four books of the Fuero Real treats different areas of law: Book I, which begins here with the initial opposite a list of titles for Book IV, contains laws on the responsibilities of people to religious, civil, and political authorities; Book II deals with court and legal procedures; Book III concerns civil law; and Book IV covers mercantile and criminal law. This particular copy was intended for use in the Spanish city of Burgos. The text is an early example of the use of Spanish instead of Latin in court and legal documents, a practice instituted by Alfonso X.
Sirsi Catalog Key: 1550310
Country: Country:Spain
Cardinal Point:northern

Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): 1299
Image Dimensions Width: 253 mm
ShelfMark: Lewis E 245
Creator Name: Alfonso X of Castille - Author

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