ALs to Benjamin Webster
Charles DickensItem Info
Physical Description: [1] page
H.W. Office
Tuesday First July 1856
Dear Webster.
Here! - He will come and see The Dutchman - and will come and see the Americans. So I must come again. You know whom I mean by "he", of course. I refer to the old Salt.
Will you leave us a Private Box (if you have one) at the top of the stairs?
Ever Faithfully
MssDate: Tuesday First July 1856
Media Type: Letters
Source: Rare Book Department
Record entered by KS 9/19/11.
Recipient: Webster, Benjamin, 1797-1882
Provenance: Gift of Mrs. D. Jacques Benoliel, 12/56.
The Letters of Charles Dickens, Pilgrim Edition, Volume Eight, 1856-1858, p. 141.
Country: Creation Place Note:H.W. [i.e. Household Words] Office
Call Number: DL W391 1856-07-01
Creator Name: Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870 - Author