Choir psalter

Item Info

Item No: mcai710071
Additional Title: Choir psalter
Script: Rotunda
Language: Latin
Folio Number: front 71:7
Source: Rare Book Department
Notes: Initial D with King David pointing to his mouth
Notes: These leaves can be dated to ca. 1444-1477.
Notes: This initial egins Psalm 38, "Dixi custodias uias meas ut non delinquam in lingua mea..." (I will watch my ways so as not to sin with my tongue), which was read at Matins on Tuesdays. David, who was believed in the Middle Ages to have composed the psalms, points to his mouth, acting out the first words of the psalm. This initial has been attributed to Bonifacio Bembo, an illuminator active in Cremona and Milan from 1447 and 1477.
Country: Country:Italy

Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): 1499
Image Dimensions Width: 515 mm
ShelfMark: Lewis E M 71:6-7
Creator Name: Bonifacio Bembo - Artist

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