Das Gesäng der einsamen und verlassenen Turtel-Taube


Item Info

Item No: frkm011000
Title: Das Gesäng der einsamen und verlassenen Turtel-Taube
Physical Description: 187 numbered pages; 10 additional leaves.
Category: Hymnal
Media Type: Manuscripts
Source: Rare Book Department

Hymn book, mostly printed, partly manuscript. The hymn titles throughout are printed, as well as the staves. The notes also seem to be printed (with an ink that bleeds through--it's a different ink than is used for the rest of the music). The clefs and key signatures seem to be added by hand.  

Paper is wove.

The register in the back is printed on laid paper with vertical chain lines.

The book has been completely conserved and rebound with considerable page treatment.

Creation Place Town/Township: Region/County:[Lancaster]

Image Dimensions Width: 16.9 cm
ShelfMark: FLP Borneman Ms. 11
Creator Name: Beissel, Johann Conrad (1691-1768) - Author
Ephrata Cloister - Author


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