Book of Hours, use of Bourges
Medieval ManuscriptsItem Info
Language: Latin
Folio Number: f. 113r
Source: Rare Book Department
This manuscript has been dated to ca. 1500.
This miniature depicts the legend of the Three Living and the Three Dead. According to the legend, three men encounter three corpses who remind them of their own mortality. The lower compartment echoes this theme by depicting a group of skulls, traditional symbols of the "Memento mori" (Remember death) theme. The prayers written between the images, "Placebo," (I will please [the Lord]) and "Dilexi quoniam exaudit dominus..." (I have loved because the Lord will hear) begins the Office of the Dead.
Notes: The Legend of the Three Living and the Three Dead
Sirsi Catalog Key: 1457696
Country: Country:France
City/Town/Township:Bourges ?
Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): 1510
Image Dimensions Width: 168 mm
ShelfMark: Lewis E 86