Wanamaker's Department Store

Item Info

Item No: pdcc01403
Title: Wanamaker's Department Store
Additional Title: Wanamaker's Department Store, John Wanamaker, Chestnut and Market, 13th and Juniper Streets
Historic Street Address: 13th & Market Streets
Media Type: Photographic Prints
Source: Print and Picture Collection

Halftone reproduction of an elevated view of Wanamaker's Department Store at 13th and Market Streets. Shows an early electric trolley car and a partial view of the east facade of City Hall.

Taken from Philadelphia and Notable Philadelphians, by Moses King. Publisher Moses King, 1901. New York.

Caption reads: Philadelphia's first and foremost department store. Opened in 1876 by John Wanamaker, a marvelous merchant and United States Postmaster-General under President Harrison. Site previously occupied by Penssylvania Railroad freight station. A superb new Wanamaker establishment is to go on this site.

Geocode Latitude: Geocode Longitude:-75.161441
Geocode Latitude:39.952128

Creator Name: Castner, Samuel, Jr., 1843-1929 - Compiler