It Must Have Been Fierce While It Lasted!

From Our Collections Print and Picture Cartoon Collection
It Must Have Been Fierce While It Lasted!

Item Info

Item No: pixc01178
Title: It Must Have Been Fierce While It Lasted!
Additional Title: It Must Have Been Fierce While It Lasted!
Publication Date: 3/1/1921
Media Type: Cartoons (Commentary)
Source: Print and Picture Collection

"Threatened war between Panama and Costa Rica was averted early today with the surrender of the Costa Rican army in Coto, according to word received here by J. E. Lefevre, charge d'affaires of the Panaman legation."

"Costa Rican Army Yields:  War Averted." Evening Public Ledger (Philadelphia, PA). 1921, February 28: p. 1.


Sykes, Charles Henry. "It Must Have Been Fierce While It Lasted." Evening Public Ledger (Philadelphia, PA). 1921, March 1: p. 10.

Creator Name: Sykes, Charles Henry, 1882-1942 - Artist