Item Info
Media Type: Cartoons (Commentary)
Source: Print and Picture Collection
Babe Ruth refuses to take the $5,000 fine Huggins tries to give him, as the baseball world looks on.
"George Herman [Babe] Ruth, one time home run hero and now spoken of as the bad boy of the Yankees, who in the last five years has raked together $300,000 and scattered most of it, is going to wage a fight over the $5,000 fine plastered on him along with an indefinite suspension and he says the fight will end either with him traded or out of baseball or with Miller Huggins, his present boss, retired as manager of the New York club."
- Vaughan, Irving. "Babe Ruth, Mad, Denies Orgies; Here to Fight." The Chicago Daily Tribune 31 Aug. 1925: 1. Print.
Creator Name: Sykes, Charles Henry, 1882-1942 - Artist