Wanamaker Brown clothing

Centennial Exhibition
Wanamaker Brown clothing

Item Info

Item No: c110161
Title: Wanamaker Brown clothing
Additional Title: Wanamaker & Brown
Series: Tradecard
Media Type: Tradecards

 "Besides the largest stock of men's and boys' clothing, we have a splendid assortment of gentlemen's, youths' and boys' furnishing goods. Underwear, hosiery, gloves, handkerchiefs, suspenders, scarfs, neckties, &c. Fine white shirts, ready made or to order, cut and made in most approved styles, by our own superior work people. First counter, at front entrance." -- Verso of card.


 "One price, cash payment, full guarantee, money refunded. Sixth, Oak, Market, Hall. "


 1 trade card : 6 x 5 cm.


 Exhibit title: Wanamaker & Brown, Philadelphia, Pa. -- exhibit #889 -- Main Exhibition Building, Bldg. #1.


 Trade card for Wanamaker & Brown, clothiers, with design on recto. Red, blue, gold, and black ink on white paper.

Sirsi Catalog Key: 1314951
Call Number: c110160

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