"Close Ups" by Pennon Pensyl (Page 12 - Back Cover)

Theatre Lubin Film Manufacturing Company

Item Info

Item No: thcl02102
Title: "Close Ups" by Pennon Pensyl (Page 12 - Back Cover)
Additional Title: The Lubin Bulletin Vol. III, No. 21
Publication Date: 1/17/1916
Media Type: House Organs
Source: Theatre Collection

On the front page of this issue is a likeness of Nance O’Neil, the celebrated screen star, who will be seen in a Multiple Reel Feature, entitled Souls in Bondage, from the pen of Daniel Carson Goodman. In this feature, which will be released January thirty-first in the V.L.S.E. Program, Miss O’Neil runs the gamut of emotion, and it is the opinion of those who have seen portions of the picture already finished, that she will surpass any of her previous efforts on the screen. Sous in Bondage is being produced by Edgar Lewis whose work on The Great Divide stamps him as one of America’s foremost directors. 

The following subjects will be released by the Lubin Manufacturing Company during the month of January, these include Unit Program and General Film Releases.

“The Little Sister of the Poor,” one-act drama, released January seventeenth; “The Law’s Injustice,” three-act drama, released January twentieth; “Insomnia,” one-act drama, Released January twenty-second. Unit Program Releases of week January twenty-fourth include “The Evangelist,” four-act drama, and “Fooling Uncle,” one-act comedy; “Two News Items,” one-act drama, released January twenty-fourth; “The Dragoman,” two-act drama, released January twenty-fifth, “The Embodied Thought,” three-act drama, released January twenty-seventh; “Cured,” one-act comedy, released January twenty-ninth; “A Reformation Delayed,” one-act drama, released January thirty-first; “A Modern Paul,” three-act drama, released February third; “The Election Bet,” one-act comedy, released February fifth; “Her Wayward Sister,” four-act drama, and “The New Janitor,” one-act comedy, released Unit Program Week, February seventh. 

June Daye, the dainty Lubin star, and Helen Greene, Lubin’s popular leading woman, decided that Philadelphia was no place for them on New Year’s Eve, so in response to an urgent invitation from Miss Greene’s brother Lieutenant Robinson who is stationed at Norfolk, Virginia, these attractive young misses boarded the “five-fifteen,” and hied themselves southward.

Arriving at Norfolk, June Daye promptly fell in love with what she thought was an Admiral and great was her disappointment when later on, the Admiral turned out to be a pilot on the Old Dominion Line. Lieutenant Robinson gave a “tea” to the young ladies on board his ship U.S.S. Delaware, and after it was over, conferred a still greater social distinction upon Miss Daye, by asking her to Christen the ship’s new mascot — said mascot being a large William goat. Nothing daunted Miss Daye seized a bottle of buttermilk that was on a nearby table, and was just about to break it over the head of the William Goat, when she was prevented from so doing by the Lieutenant who assured her that such an action would not be conducive to William’s good behavior for the rest of the afternoon, and that a “name” was all that was wanted for him, whereupon Miss Daye looking William straight in the eye said “I herewith christen you Pickles, because you are destined to float on top of the brine.” — (Crack went Shure Shots’s rifle, and another Redskin bit the dust). Both Miss Daye and Miss Greene report a perfectly heavenly time, and Miss Daye says that the only thing that came near spoiling her entire day, was the fact that the captain would not let her climb the mast. 

We are informed that there have been several new pavements added to “Resolution Boulevard” already and today is only the eighth of the month.

The natives of Betzwood are seriously thinking of electing Director Edwin McKim, Mayor, for they say he has done more to put the town on a paying basis than any previous sojourner.

Do You Know:

Where we can get a good script that will suit Mimi Yvonne?

That the Fire Scene in The Gods of Fate is the biggest ever produced?

Whether Jack Pratt’s company is REALLY going South.

That Uncle Jimmie Daly has discovered the Fountain of Perpetual Youth?

That Burk Symon has written two comedies, Otto the Tailor, and the Passing of Applecore. 

That when we asked Helen Weir if she was married, she replied, “I should SAY N O T . ! ! ! !

That Daniel Carson Goodman OBJECTS to having his picture in the papers?

That We prefer Philadelphia to New York (never mind, officer, I’ll get him home).

That we forgot to wish everybody a Happy New Year until now?

The weekly release of the Lubin Unit Program will be discontinued for the present and instead, the Unit Program will be released every alternate week beginning January twenty-fourth, at which time the “Evangelist” and “Fooling Uncle,” will be shown, these having been previously announced to be released January seventeenth.

Call Number: Lubin - Bulletin III:21

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