Future Feature Releases (Page 12 - Back Cover)

Theatre Lubin Film Manufacturing Company
Future Feature Releases (Page 12 - Back Cover)

Item Info

Item No: thcl02114
Title: Future Feature Releases (Page 12 - Back Cover)
Additional Title: The Lubin Bulletin Vol. III, No. 22
Publication Date: 2/3/1916
Media Type: House Organs
Source: Theatre Collection

Future Feature Releases

The Gods of Fate. — A Five-Act Drama, written by Daniel Carson Goodman, directed by Jack Pratt. This Feature is an Epic of Labor, with an Appealing Love Theme of Unusual character and includes the Great Railroad Wreck which cost over 25,000 dollars and the Fire scene in which an Entire Mfg. plant is destroyed. Richard Buhler, Rosetta Brice and a powerful cast appear……… Released January twenty-fourth. Book through V.L.S.E. inc. 

Souls in Bondage. — A Five-Act Drama written by Daniel Carson Goodman, directed by Edgar Lewis. — A Masterful portrayal by Nance O’Neil of a Soul’s awakening through Love and its ultimate happiness in Self Sacrifice. Released…… January thirty-first. Book through V.L.S.E. inc. 

— A Multiple Reel drama of Domestic Economics written by Albert PAyson Terhune, directed by Joseph Kaufman, in which Ethel Clayton is featured, supported by a competent company which includes Crauford Kent, Tom Moore, and others. Will be Released February fourteenth. Book through V.L.S.E. inc. 

Her Bleeding Heart. — A Five-Act Drama, written by Daniel Carson Goodman, directed by Jack Pratt, featuring Richard Buhler and Rosetta Brice. — In this story, Dr. Goodman has evolved a new Angle to the Eternal Triangle and has also devised that eagerly sought for, but very elusive Thing, — “A New Plot.” Released…….. February twenty-eighth. Book through V.L.S.E. inc.

Special Announcement!!!!! Lubin will shortly present Nance O’Neil in The Fires of St. John, which has been adapted for the Screen by Alfred Hickman. 

Notice is hereby given that the Lubin Co. will discontinue the issuance of their “Form Sheet” to the Public. 

The Election Bet. — One-Act Comedy by Mark Swan, directed by Earl Metcalfe, with Billie Reeves as the Star. — A ludicrous attempt by Billie to Tame a Peanut and make it obey him, together with other funny incidents, and all because of a Bet.

The New Janitor. — A One-Act Comedy by George Spink, directed by Edwin McKim, with Davy Don as the Star. This shows Don as the busiest little person on Earth, trying to satisfy the demands of a score of peevish Tenants who reside in the flat where Don “Janitizes.”

Billie’s Lucky Bill. — A One-Act Scream, by Mark Swan, directed by Earl Metcalfe, — starring Billie Reeves. Those who think that Money will do anything, should see the trouble Billy gets into because of it. 

A Temporary Husband. — A One-Act Riot by Mark Swan, directed by Earl Metcalfe. In this one, Billie Reeves is a Dentist who knows nothing of the art of fixing “Dining-room Furniture.” — See it, and laugh for weeks after. 

The Butler. — A One-Act Comedy written and directed by Edwin McKim, with Davy Don as the Star. — Mrs. Van Webber’s Butler quits his job, and Don who is the Hired Man, volunteers to “Buttle”; he dallys with the Giggle-Water, with the result that. — see the picture and learn what happens. 

Have You Heard That The new makeup of the Lubin Publicity Department includes Norman Jeffries and George Spink. Earl Metcalfe is going to raise that “misplaced eye-brow” no matter what happens. Director McKim is at work one a new one, entitled Forbidden Fruit. Story and direction by him, comicalities by Davy Don and others. Costumes by Mother Nature and others, etc.

Call Number: Lubin - Bulletin III:22

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