Robert Gysae's exhibit-Main Building

Centennial Exhibition
Robert Gysae's exhibit-Main Building

Item Info

Item No: c011326
Title: Robert Gysae's exhibit-Main Building
Additional Title: Lithograph Colors-Germany
Series: Photograph Series I
Media Type: Albumen Prints
Notes: "...utchlands. Druckgewer... Robert Gysae, Wien. Oberlossnitz. Robert Gysae. Dresden. Fabrik fur Buch & Steindruck-Farben. Represented by Paine, Schering, & Glatz, 52 Maiden Lane."--Display signs.
Notes: 1 silver albumen print; 20 x 12 cm.
Notes: Exhibit is part of collective exhibit titled, "Collective exhibit of the German Union of Manufacturing Chemists -- manufactured chemicals, etc,"
Notes: Exhibit title: Gysae, Robert, Oberlossnitz, Exhibit #30, Main Exhibition Building, Bldg. #1.
Notes: Mounted on backing board.
Notes: The exhibit of bottles and canisters of lithography supplies in a glass case displayed inside the Main Building. Other displays visible in background.
Notes: Title on label:Lithograph colors--Germany.
Creator Name: Centennial Photographic Co.