An acronym referring to the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics fields of study. The term was created for schools from kindergarten through college to improve competitiveness in learning and workforce development. "Science" is more than a school subject, or the periodic table, or the properties of waves. It is an approach to the world, a critical way to understand and explore and engage with the world, and then have the capacity to change that world..." - President Barack Obama, March 23, 2015



  • 47 STEM Books for K-12 Readers

    A list of 47 science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) books for readers of all ages. Children in kindergarten can solve math mysteries or read about how the color purple was invented. Older readers can explore physics in everyday life and the lives of women who changed the study of DNA. From picture books to memoirs, STEM books have something for every creatively minded reader!
  • PBS LearningMedia

    Lots of STEM-related content and lesson plans on this free digital media content library site that builds on the strength of public media and is the destination for relevant educational resources for PreK-12 teachers.
  • Philadelphia Science Festival

    The Philadelphia Science Festival is a nine-day, community-wide celebration of science that takes place annually in April, featuring lectures, debates, hands-on activities, special exhibitions and a variety of other informal science education experiences for Philadelphians of all ages.
  • STEM Education Coalition

    Raises awareness in Congress, the Administration, and other organizations about the critical role that STEM education plays in enabling the U.S. to remain the economic and technological leader of the global marketplace of the 21st century.
  • STEM Philly

    STEM Philly's goal is to stimulate students’ interest in STEM subjects and enhance their learning so they will become part of the STEM workforce in the Philadelphia area. With the help of volunteers and partners organizations, Explore STEM Philly provides both “in classroom” and “real world” opportunities to enhance the existing STEM curriculum.
  • The Franklin Institute STEM Scholars

    Program that serves a select group of Philadelphia-area students in grades 9-12 who are passionate about science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) subjects.

STEM - Technology by explore

Suggested books for students in the field of technology.

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STEM - Science by explore

Suggested books for students in the field of science.

View the full list

STEM - Math (5 items)

Suggested books for students in the field of math.

STEM - Engineering (3 items)

Suggested books for students in the field of engineering.

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Blog Posts

Bake Some STE(A)M Skills Into Your Celebration of Pi Day

Pie: it's as easy as 1, 2, 3.14159.... As a justification to stuff our pie holes this month, we’ve found a convenient pair of homophones — the phonetic rendering of the Greek letter π (used to represent the ratio of a…

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Time Travel to the Beginning of the Universe

Interested in time travel? The superpowered James Webb Telescope has released its first images this month, giving us a window into distant space and the distant past. It’s dazzling. The Carina Nebula, a birthing ground for stars,…

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Virtual Tutoring Programs Flourish This Spring

by Regina Schliep, Logan Library Work-Study Student During this unusual school year, some neighborhood libraries  have joined forces with local schools and community organizations to support virtual tutoring programs for…

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Robots? Where? McPherson Square!

Following an early dismissal on Wednesdays, students from a local middle school pack the floor of the McPherson Square library . With students flocking in prior to regularly scheduled afterschool activities, the LEAP Maker Mentors,…

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Nourishing Literacy 2019/2020 Registration Now Open to School Classrooms!

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What's New with LEAP?

Now that the new school year is up and running, LEAP would like to welcome students back to school! LEAP provides a safe and supportive afterschool environment for school-age patrons grades K – 12, complete with homework help,…

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A STEM-focused Summer Tech Extravanganza at Lawncrest Library!

by Marcela F. and Hua C. The meeting room at the Lawncrest Library was a hub of STEM activities in July and early August. Hua, our Summer Learning Program Specialist, along with Teen Literacy Coaches Alex and Zoma, presented a…

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Delving into the Science of Me

In the midst of a heat wave, Science in the Summer continues to spark young minds! For over thirty years, the program has demystified the sciences with free, hands-on learning for students entering 2nd-6th grades, all the while…

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Celebrate All Things Science at Your Neighborhood Library During the Philadelphia Science Festival!

Philadelphia’s Science Festival is back for a week of all things science. The week-long festival is hosted by the Franklin Institute and offers hundreds of free and low-cost programs across the city for all ages. The Free Library…

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Project Build Brings Libraries and Engineers Together for Children's STEM Programming

Through the National Center for Interactive Learning at the Space Science Institute , Overbrook Park Library has been granted the Project Build program. Project Build brings libraries and engineers from the Philadelphia Chapter of the…

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4 Ways to Jump into Fall Learning with the Free Library!

We’ve been busy making friends and creating fun ways to learn together this Fall! Share stories, enjoy family time, and build memories with these 4 reading, writing, and technology events: We’re excited to announce our first…

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#GetNerdyPHL at the Philadelphia Science Festival!

In Philadelphia, April means the Philadelphia Science Festival ! The week-long festival, hosted by the Franklin Institute, includes hundreds of free and low-cost programs across the city for children, families, and adults. The Free…

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Make and Learn at your Neighborhood Library on National STEM Day !

Today is National STEM Day , a day that is meant to inspire young people to explore and pursue interests in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. LEAP , the Free Library of Philadelphia’s city-wide…

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