Send a written request with the person's name, exact date of death (month, day, year) or burial date. We will check two newspapers for each name submitted.
U.S. Mail:
Free Library of Philadelphia
Newspapers & Microfilm Center
1901 Vine Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
A $10 fee will be charged for up to three obituary name "lookups" whether or not staff can locate the obituaries. This fee covers three emailed scans. If you prefer a paper copy a $5.00 shipping/handling fee will be added. An invoice and search results will be sent upon completion of the research.
Service Limitations:
Please be advised that staffing limitations prevent us from undertaking ongoing or in-depth research for patrons. Please refrain from sending additional requests until payment is completed for previous requests.
Yes, the Pennsylvania Department of Health Web site explains how to obtain Birth and Death records.
This file also includes links for obtaining Birth and Death records from other states .
Source: Pennsylvania Department of Health homepage
The main emphasis of the genealogical collection in the Social Science and History Department is on Pennsylvania history. Materials in the collection are almost entirely secondary sources, not original records. For a description of our genealogical collection visit our Researching Your Family History guide, or our much more detailed Genealogy Research Guide .
The Free Library of Philadelphia does not maintain vital records. These records are held in various collections throughout the city or state. Our genealogical guides Researching Your Family History and the much more detailed Genealogy Research Guide explain how to locate and use these collections.
he Free Library of Philadelphia has City Directories and Telephone Directories available in microform. We will search for up to three years per request. We will search one name per year.
Send your request to:
U.S. Mail:
Free Library of Philadelphia
Newspapers & Microfilm Center
1901 Vine Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
A $10 fee will be charged whether or not staff can locate the listing. This fee covers three emailed scans. If you prefer a paper copy a $5.00 shipping/handling fee will be added. An invoice and search results will be sent upon completion of the research
Service Limitations:
Please be advised that staffing limitations prevent us from undertaking ongoing or in-depth research for patrons. Please refrain from sending additional requests until payment is completed for previous requests.