Most companies list their address and phone numbers on their website. Search for a company's official website using you preferred search engine, such as Google or Yahoo. For smaller companies that may not have websites, search an online yellow pages such as Superpages.

For more in depth company information, you can search ReferenceUSA. Reference USA includes verified listings for over 15 million US businesses.  You can search ReferenceUSA at any Free Library location or from your home or office  when you login with your Free Library card number and PIN. To get started, visit our database page.

For more information or to speak with a librarian contact the Business, Science & Industry Department at: 215-686-5394 or write


To find past stock quotes for companies whose stock is still being traded, search online using BigCharts or Yahoo Finance.  

For a stock that is no longer traded either because the firm is no longer in business or has merged with another company and changed its name, the Business, Science & Industry Department at the Parkway Central Library has daily stock records from the three major exchanges dating back to the 1960's. You may visit the department in person, call us at 215-686-5394 or write erefbsi@freelibrary,org for assistance.

A good place to start your research is in the Business, Science & Industry Department at the Parkway Central Library. Here you will find reference sources like the "Directory of Obsolete Securities" and the "Robert D. Fisher Manual of Valuable and Worthless Securities."

If stock for the company in question is still being traded, you can often locate historic stock quotes online.  Try Yahoo! Finance or BigCharts.

Finally, if you discover your stock has no value, it is possible the actual certificate may be a collectible. Scripophily is the hobby of collecting canceled stock and bond certificates.  Learn more about it here.