• Books
• Materials in a variety of languages
• Music and videos
• Government Documents
• Audio books
• Copies of magazine and newspaper articles in accordance with Title 17 of the U.S. Code.

Interlibrary loan is a transaction in which the Free Library of Philadelphia borrows materials from another library system on behalf of a patron. 
The Free Library of Philadelphia provides Interlibrary Loan services in order to enhance and extend the resources available to its users.

To ensure there is no interruption in your service, please log onto the Interlibrary loan webpage and re-register with your new library card number and your PIN number.  After re-registering contact the Interlibrary Loan Department at 215-686-5360, so that we can merge your old account with your new one.

Call the Interlibrary loan office at  215-686-5360 Weekdays 9 am-5pm or email illrequest@freelibrary.org


From time to time we purge older records from the online Interlibrary Loan system.
Our policy requires us to keep requests online for several years in order to comply with copyright law.

 Your Library card number and Pin number allow us to give you access to information about your Interlibrary loan requests. We can also enable you to edit your personal information such as address or phone number.

If you are a first time user, you must register prior to using the Interlibrary loan service.
To register click on the red register link at the top of the Interlibrary loan page. http://libwww.freelibrary.org/illiad/logon.cfm
After reading and agreeing to the copyright information, you will be prompted to enter your personal information along with your library card number and PIN number.
Upon completing the registration process you can place your request for the Interlibrary loan item that you desire.
If you are a returning ILL user, you can log on with your library card number and PIN number and then submit your requests.

The Interlibrary loan process can take as little as 3 days or as long as a month to receive materials, depending on the location and the availability of the item.

 The InterLibrary loan service is available to patrons age 14 and older who possess a valid Free Library card.

• Titles not yet published
• Materials that have been published within the last 12 months
• Items that the Free Library already has on order
• Information that can be found through the Free Library’s electronic resources

Most Interlibrary loan request are filled free of charge thanks to reciprocal agreements with other libraries.
If an item cannot be obtained for free, you will be notified by the Interlibrary loan department. At that time you can decide the fee you are willing to pay to get the item.

Note: You can also put in the maximum fee you are willing to pay for the book ($0-$50) when you fill out your ILL request online.

Interlibrary loan items can be picked up during library hours at any branch of the Free Library.

Parkway Central Library materials should be picked up during the library's hours of operation.

Please select your pickup location when filling out your request online.

Unless noted on the item, Interlibrary loan staff can request a renewal of an Interlibrary loan.
Renewals are granted at the discretion of the lending library, not the Free Library of Philadelphia.
To request a renewal of your material please contact the Interlibrary loan office at 215-686-5360 prior to the original due date. We will contact the loaning institution and notify you of the new due date.
If the Interlibrary loan item is overdue, renewal of the item is not possible.

In the event that an item is lost or damaged, the borrower is responsible for the replacement costs.
Should you lose or damage an Interlibrary loan item contact the Interlibrary loan office at 215-686-5360.

Late fees for Interlibrary loan items are $2.00 per day until the item is returned.
If an Interlibrary loan item becomes overdue, a $50 fine will be placed on your card until the Interlibrary loan item is returned. The $50 fee will be removed and replaced with the $2.00 per day late fee when the interlibrary loan item is returned.

Most Interlibrary loan materials are due in 3 weeks; however the loaning library determines the due date for the item. Some items might be loaned for a shorter or longer period.