The Federal Government has issued its first ever physical activity guidelines.. The Activity Guidelines recommend that adults "should do a minimum of 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity a week by doing activities like brisk walking, ballroom dancing, or general gardening."
Complementing the physical activity guidelines are the Department of Health and Human Services Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
Perhaps you would like to take the President's Challenge. You can find activites for kids, teens, adults, and seniors. You can create your own activity log to track your progress in the Challenge.
If you are looking for a more demanding activity challenge , try the Army Physical Fitness Program. You can also access the Stew Smith Fitness Center Archive. Stew is a former Navy Seal and maintains a fitness blog.
The Centers for Disease Control offers Physical Activity for Everyone. This program provides examples of moderate to vigorous physical activity routines you can use.
GovGab has posted a blog called "Exercising with gadgets, gizmos and computerized thingamajigs" This blog offers advice on buying high tech exercise equipment and accessories.
The Free Library of Philadelphia (FLP) database, InfoTrac OneFile offers these resources on physical fitness The FLP catalog includes over seven hundred resources about physical fitness.