Efficient energy use, sometimes simply called energy efficiency, is using less energy to provide the same level of energy service.

The Federal government has produced a number of resources to help us become more energy efficient in our homes.

The Department of Energy's Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Office offers tips for staying warm and saving money during the winter months. Learn about winter energy saving tips, conducting an energy audit, and making long term investments for energy savings.

Children may want to take a look at the Kids Savings Energy website.

Energy Efficiency:Tips for Saving Energy is presented by Usa.gov. Take a look at the Home Energy Saver. Enter your zip code and view the energy savings for homes in your area that use energy efficient methods. The Home Energy Librarian can be a big help to you, defining energy technologies and standards

The Free Library of Philadelphia (FLP) catalog retrieves over 360 resources about energy efficiency. Choose from the subjects energy conservation, renewable energy sources, energy policy and energy consumption.FLP's Electronic Resources offers several databases for accessing information about energy efficiency.
