You'll love these weblinks chosen by our expert librarians.

A few staff favorites

  • Best Green Blogs – Find the latest information from all the best green blogs in one location. Includes extensive list of links.
  • Co-op America – Encourages individuals and businesses to use their purchasing power to create a sustainable society. Information on a variety of topics.
  • Earth 911 – Find environmental news, tips on going green, and locate local resources and recycling centers.
  • Inconvenient Truth Carbon Calculator – Calculate your carbon footprint with this neat tool from former Vice President Al Gore's website.

Local organizations and resources

  • Buy Fresh Buy Local PA – Online guide to restaurants, farmers' markets, caterers, and more where you can buy local foods.
  • The Energy Co-op – A Philadelphia based energy cooperative that uses combined buying power to connect home and business owners with green and sustainable energy sources.
  • Greater Philadelphia Sustainable Business Network – A nonprofit network of business people working towards sustainability in the community, includes a directory of local "green" businesses.
  • Green Plan Philadelphia – The city's official planning site for a green future.
  • Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture – Nonprofit organization that works with farmers and consumers to promote healthy foods and the ecological well-being of Pennsylvania’s environment -- includes excellent links to other green organizations.
  • Philly Clean Cities – Promotes and supports the use of alternative fuels -- information on bio-diesel, ethanol, and more.