Recommended Anime
Japanese animated films and shows bring the manga style to vivid, dramatic life.
There are 5 items | Showing 1 to 5
Cowboy Bebop by
Notes: Humanity has been driven out of its terrestrial Eden. People spread to the stars, taking with them confused concepts of freedom, violence, illegality and love. A new generation of outlaws comes into being. People call them Cowboy Bebops.
Spirited Away by
Notes: This fantasy adventure starts in everyday Japan but goes somewhere very different. For ten year-old Chihiro and her family, a mysterious tunnel and haunted town lead to the Land of Spirits, inhabited by gods and monsters. Chihiro finds inner strength and establishes a new identity in this strange world. But can she win back her name and return home?
Spirited Away by
Notes: This fantasy adventure starts in everyday Japan but goes somewhere very different. For ten year-old Chihiro and her family, a mysterious tunnel and haunted town lead to the Land of Spirits, inhabited by gods and monsters. Chihiro finds inner strength and establishes a new identity in this strange world. But can she win back her name and return home?
Ghost in the Shell by
Notes: In the year 2029, the world is made borderless by the net; augmented humans live in virtual environments, watched over by law enforcement agents who can download themselves into super-powered, crime-busting cyborgs. The ultimate secret agent of the future has no physical body and can freely travel the information highways of the world.
Ghost in the Shell by
Notes: In the year 2029, the world is made borderless by the net; augmented humans live in virtual environments, watched over by law enforcement agents who can download themselves into super-powered, crime-busting cyborgs. The ultimate secret agent of the future has no physical body and can freely travel the information highways of the world.