Staff Picks for Teens:
If You Liked Twilight
Books for fans of Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight series
There are 5 items | Showing 1 to 5

My Soul to Save by Vincent, Rachel
Notes: You do not want to hear Kaylee scream! Not because she's shrill or anything... you don't want to hear her scream because when she does - someone dies. But when Pop rocker Edan drops dead on stage and not a peep comes from Kaylee - something is wrong -dead wrong.
Reading Level: Young Adult
ISBN: 9780373210046
Publisher: Harlequin Enterprises,ltd./Harlequin Teen
Published: 2009
Pages: 288
Callnumber: YA fiction

The Host by Meyers, Stephenie
Notes: An alien comes to earth seeking missing members of expedition to Earth and takes over the body of Melanie. To survive what is coming, to keep their relationship with Mel's boyfriend, and save the other Hosts, the two entities must find a way to bond.
Reading Level: YA
ISBN: 9780316068055
Publisher: Little, Brown & Co.
Published: 2008
Pages: 617
Callnumber: Fiction

The Dark Divine by Despain, Bree
Notes: Having a name like "Grace Divine" one would think life would be easy, but Grace finds more than her share of problems dating a guy with a mysterious past.
Reading Level: Grade 9 and up
ISBN: 9781606840658
Publisher: Egmont USA.
Published: 2009
Pages: 384
Callnumber: fiction

Rapture by Kate, Lauren
Notes: "Luce and Daniel have a love that transcends time, but Luce is still very much a normal modern girl, with normal insecurities and problems."
ISBN: 9780385739184
Callnumber: Teen Fiction

Days of Blood and Starlight by Taylor, Laini
Notes: Karou loved the enemy and he betrayed her, and a world suffered for it. Will she seek revenge?
ISBN: 9780316133975
Callnumber: Teen Fiction