Tween Fantasy:
Tween Folklore Fantasy
Remember all those talking animals and disguised witches from when you were young? Try out some of these folklore-based fantasies.
There are 7 items | Showing 1 to 7

Leaping Beauty : and Other Animal Fairy Tales by Maguire, Gregory
Notes: Tweens will love these goofy takes on classic fairy tales told from an animal perspective!
ISBN: 0060564180

The Fairy-Tale Detectives by Buckley, Michael
Notes: The sisters Grimm are tracking down fairy tale baddies in this thrilling series of ‘tween books.
ISBN: 0810959259

The Hound of Rowan by Neff, Henry H.
Notes: Twelve Year old Max McDaniels is special, so special in fact that an ancient evil wants him dead and Rowan Academy, the magical school that he was selected to attend, destroyed forever!
ISBN: 9780375838958

100 Cupboards by Wilson, N.D.
Notes: One Hundred different worlds lie behind the wall in Henry York’s attic room, including the world of an old and dangerous witch that knows Henry’s family well.
ISBN: 9780375838811

The Rumpelstiltskin Problem by Vande Velde, Vivian
Notes: Travel through different worlds and different times to see six different versions of the Rumpelstiltskin story.
ISBN: 0618055231

A Wolf at the Door by Datlow, Ellen and Terri Windling
Notes: Neil Gaiman, Garth Nix, and Jane Yolen are just some of the authors who have added to this spooky and macabre collection of retold fairytales.
ISBN: 0689821395

Fairest by Levine, Gail Carson
Notes: This fast-paced and exciting story includes a magic mirror, a treacherous queen, and a girl white as snow… who’s also part gnome!
ISBN: 9780060734084