Staff Picks for Teens:
Graphic Novels for Fantasy Fans
Reach beyond the usual superhero adventures with these fantasty graphic novels.
There are 7 items | Showing 1 to 7

Amulet by Kibuishi, Kazu
Notes: After their father's death in an automobile accident, Emily and Navin move with their mother to the home of their great-great grandfather, who disappeared many decades ago. When a bizarre creature kidnaps their mother, the two find themselves in a strange underground world of monsters, robots, and the mysterious Amulet that may be the key to rescuing her.
ISBN: 9780439846813

Bone by Smith, Jeff
Notes: Exiled from their home, three cousins-Fone Bone, Smiley Bone, and Phoncible P. "Phoney" Bone-cross a desert, meet the mysterious Thorn and her formidable Grandma Ben, and are drawn into a conflict with the horrifying Lord of the Locusts and the stupid, stupid rat-creatures that serve him.
ISBN: 9780439706230

Coraline by Gaiman, Neil
Notes: There's something strange about Coraline's new house, but strangest of all is the little door that leads to another world, where the Other Mother and Other Father live and offer her whole new life away from her boring and inattentive Real Parents. Coraline refuses, but the Other Mother is not easily denied...
ISBN: 9780380977789

Leave It to Chance by Robinson, James
Notes: For generations, the Falconer family has been fighting the forces of evil, a heritage passed down from father to son. But not from father to daughter, or so Chance Falconer's father informs her. But Chance won't let that stop her!
ISBN: 9781582402536

Lions, Tigers and Bears by Bullock, Mike
Notes: There really are monsters that live in closets: the Beasties, terrible creatures that prey upon children. Fortunately for Joey Price, he has the Pride on his side, his four stuffed animals that have come to life to protect him.
ISBN: 9781582406572

Rapunzel's Revenge by Hale, Shannon and Dean Hale
Notes: Armed with nothing more than her wits and her hair, Rapunzel and her companion Jack set out to overthrow the evil witch Gothel, in this reimagining of the old fairy tale with a Western flavor.
ISBN: 9781599900704

Vögelein : Clockwork Faerie by Irwin, Jane
Notes: Every 36 hours the mechanical fairy Vögelein must be rewound, or she risks losing everything that makes her what she is: her personality, her memories, her very existence. With her former Guardian dead, Vögelein must fine a way to survive on the streets of a modern city...and to avoid the attentions of the true, and malevolent, faerie named Midhir.
ISBN: 9780974311005