The Things They Carried:
Teen Selections
More books to sink your teeth into.
There are 8 items | Showing 1 to 8

The Diary of a Young Girl by Frank, Anne
Notes: In an attic in Amsterdam, Anne and her family must hide from the Nazis during World War II. Although Anne's diary speaks of the dangers, it also lets us into the thoughts of a hopeful adolescent girl.
ISBN: 0553577123
Publisher: DoubleDay
Callnumber: j940.5 F851d2
Sonny's War by Hobbs, Valerie
Notes: Cory's world is coming apart. Her father has just died of a heart attack and now her brother Sonny is going to fight in Vietnam. Her emotional ups and downs are chronicled.
ISBN: 0374371369
Publisher: Farrar
Published: 2002

In Country: A Novel by Mason, Bobbie Ann
Notes: Seventeen-year-old Sam's world is filled with the war. Her father died in Vietnam before she was born, and her guardian, Uncle Emmett, is still haunted by the war and the effects of Agent Orange.
ISBN: 0060154691
Publisher: Harper
Published: 1985
Callnumber: 813 M381i
Fallen Angels by Myers, Walter Dean
Notes: Realistic dialogue puts you in the shoes of these very young men in Vietnam as they deal with life and death issues.
ISBN: 0590409425
Publisher: Scholastic
Published: 1988
Callnumber: Teen Fiction

Soldier's Heart: A Novel of the Civil War by Paulsen, Gary
Notes: Fifteen-year-old Charley is determined to leave his Minnesota town and fight in the Civil War.
ISBN: 0385324987
Publisher: Delacorte
Published: 1998

The Journal of Patrick Seamus Flaherty, United States Marine Corps by White, Ellen Emerson
Notes: Full of action, this fictionalized diary of a young soldier records his loneliness, loss, and pain as a marine in Khe Sanh, Vietnam.
ISBN: 0439148901
Publisher: Scholastic
Published: 2002
The Road Home by White, Ellen Emerson
Notes: The heart-wrenching journey of army field nurse Rebecca Phillips from her days in Vietnam to her life stateside after the war.
ISBN: 0590467379
Publisher: Scholastic
Published: 1995
Callnumber: fiction

Where Have All the Flowers Gone? Diary of Molly MacKenzie Flaherty, Boston, MA, 1968 by White, Ellen Emerson
Notes: The Vietnam War as seen through the eyes of a soldier's teenage sister at home in America.
ISBN: 0439148898
Publisher: Scholastic
Published: 2002
Callnumber: fiction