Gino Segrè, Ph. D., Professor, Physicist, Astronomer, Researcher, and award-winning author of books ranging from the history of science to atomic physics.

TEDx Talk Topic: The Lens of Science

Born in Florence, Italy in 1938, Gino Segrè is well known for his research and books on high energy-particle theoretical physics and astrophysics, receiving awards from the National Science Foundation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the John S. Guggenheim Foundation, the John D. Rockefeller Foundation, the Liguria Foundation and the U.S. Department of Energy. He is the author of over 100 papers in his field, several popular articles and three books – “A Matter of Degrees—What Temperature Reveals About the Past and Future of Our Species, Planet and Universe”, “Faust in Copenhagen—A Struggle for the Soul of Physics” and Ordinary Geniuses—Max Delbruck, George Gamow and the Origins of Genomics and Big-Bang Cosmology.” In 2008 he was a finalist in the Los Angeles Times Book Fair and won the American Institute of Physics Award for Best Science Writing. A graduate of Harvard University (A.B. 1959) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Ph.D. 1963). Gino Segrè is a professor, now emeritus, in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Pennsylvania and has been a visiting professor at M.I.T and at Oxford University, as well as a visiting Fellow at CERN (Centre Europeen Recherches Nucleaires) and the University of California.

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