Parents and Teachers

Storytimes are library programs for young children and their caregivers that use books, songs, rhymes and fingerplays to create literacy experience.
Books and Reading
Looking for the perfect book? From timeless classics to this year's award winners, our children's specialists have prepared lists of recommended books for you and your children.
Early Literacy
Raise a reader! Prepare your children for success in school and a lifetime of reading by practicing the preliteracy skills at the library and at home.
Read our Free Library Blog for the latest news, events, app and book reviews and more for kids!
Great Resources about Young Children
Local Resources
Find Philadelphia community agencies and support for children, teens, and families.
MetroKids Philadelphia
Family resources for Pennsylvania, South Jersey and Delaware, with an extensive events calendar.
The Notebook
Information and articles about Philadelphia public schools for parents, students, and teachers.
Philadelphia Department of Public Health – Maternal, Child, and Family Health
Resources on a range of health and support services to improve the health of women, children and parenting families.
Philadelphia Department of Recreation
Find fun and educational activities at your local recreation center year round.
Philadelphia Summer Camps
A listing of summer camps in Philadelphia.
Philly Fun Guide
Information on Philadelphia cultural events and organizations, including museums, performance arts, charity walks, festivals, and more.
School District of Philadelphia
Information for parents from the School District of Philadelphia.
ASAP – After School Activities Partnerships
Information about after school activities in your community.
Early Learning and Literacy
Colorín Colorado
En español y en inglés: Colorín Colorado es un servicio gratuito, basado en Internet, que ofrece información, actividades y asesoría a educadores y familias de estudiantes del idioma inglés como segundo idioma. This bilingual site is also available in English for parents and educators of English language learners.
Fred Rogers Center Early Learning Environment
Learn new songs and interactive activities in both English and Spanish from this collection of videos, e-books, games, and songs. You can also connect to other parents and educators on the discussion board.
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets offers information and resources on how young kids learn how to read and how caring adults can help.
Start With a Book
Ideas for parents to help get children excited about reading.
Videos of rhymes and songs for babies and toddlers, available in English, Spanish, Amharic, Arabic, and Vietnamese.
US Department of Education Reading Resources
Resources and articles for parents in English and Spanish about children and reading.
Health and Child Development
Healthy Children
Child development and health information from American Academy of Pediatrics.
Zero to Three
Click Parents to get lots of great information and handouts about general parenting topics and development stages.
Media Reviews
The Children's Book Review
Reviews of books for children sorted by age and topic.
Common Sense Media
Common Sense Media provides in-depth reviews of movies, apps, videos games, and other media. Materials are rated for quality and age appropriateness.
Great Websites for Kids
Comprehensive list of the best websites for both kids and parents, chosen by librarians.
Pre-screened, age-appropriate online videos for kids.
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