10 New Year's Resolutions the Free Library Can Help You Keep!

By Samantha M. RSS Thu, December 29, 2016

'Tis the season for goal-setting! You might be feeling merry and motivated right now, but as the year gallops along, don't let your resolve wane. Lean on the Free Library to keep your resolutions! Our mission, of course is to advance literacy, guide learning, and inspire curiosity, and those align perfectly with many of the resolutions most people make. Just think about how you'll feel at this time next year when you keep each of the following resolutions:

1. I resolve to get a library card.

Hopefully if you're reading this, you already have a card. If you don't have a card... get on it! And while you're at it, get someone else to sign up with you. You can sign up online or in person at any of our neighborhood libraries. The benefits of having a card are endless! Free resources at your fingertips!

2. I resolve to read more books this year.

This is a resolution you can be sure lands on the lists of all of us at the Free Library! Good thing we have plenty of options of great reads here! You can tell a librarian about your reading goals, and most will be happy to hold you accountable and recommend new titles. This year is also an opportune time to try reading in a  form that's new to you—audio books, anyone?

3. I resolve to learn to play an instrument.

By checking out an instrument from our new Musical Instrument Collection, you have many notes at your fingertips—and not just musical notes! The Music Department offers support from librarians, sheet music, instructional guides, and of course, free concerts that can inspire you as you make progress.

4. I resolve to step out of my comfort zone.

Getting out of your comfort zone is the only way to grow! Listen to poets read at our Monday Poets series and step up to the open mic at the end. Find out how you can get involved in local and national causes at our Inauguration Day Civic Engagement Fair. Take a fitness class offered at neighborhood libraries!

5. I resolve to bike my commute.

Maybe you've been inspired by our Book Bike or just want a faster, more cost-effective, and environmentally-friendly mode of transportation. Whatever your reason, attend one of our Indego bicycling safety classes.

6. I resolve to learn to cook.

We all know that when you cook instead of getting takeout or going out to eat, you save money and eat healthier. Plus, knowing how to cook is impressive! Head to the Culinary Literacy Center for classes on everything from mastering knife skills to understanding African influences in food.

7. I resolve to get my finances in order.

Whether you want to grow your small business or invest smartly, our Business Resource Innovation Center has the tools you need to succeed! Attend a class or chat with a friendly librarian to get the guidance you need.

8. I resolve to travel.

Don't travel too far: Check out a Free Library location that you've never ventured to before! There are 54 locations and each has its own unique quirks and offerings. You can start in your neighborhood or trek out to the farthest end of Philadelphia.

9. I resolve to learn a new language.

Whether you're itching to learn Italian or dying to learn Dutch, you can master a foreign language using Mango Languages!

10. I resolve to ace my classes.

If you're a student, get homework help with Brainfuse, where you can interface with a tutor. Or take a free online course in anything you can dream of!

What are your resolutions for the New Year? How can the Free Library help you accomplish your goals?

Have a question for Free Library staff? Please submit it to our Ask a Librarian page and receive a response within two business days.

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I'm a struggling artist dealing with heavy financial burdens for the last recent months. My artwork is very good but I'm having a hard time getting my skills noticed in the city. My objective is to not only profit from my skill but to also get myself established within the artistic community. I'm even trying to find a grant to get a book published. I was wondering is there anything the Free Library of Philadelphia could do to assist me? I do have a website that highlights my work. Is it possible that someone could visit my site and let me know what you think? It'll be greatly appreciated. Among my new years resolutions are to get my skills noticed and financial security. Website: www.awtc.webs.com
Terrence Chambers - Philadelphia
Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Hi Terrence, come visit the Regional Foundation Center to learn more about grants! You also might wish to visit the Business Department to learn how they can help you build your business.
Samantha M. - Philadelphia, PA
Wednesday, January 4, 2017