Posts in “recycling” (3)

Blog Articles

Earth Day Project | Upcycling with Plastic Yarn

Earth Day is here again and while I try to do my part in reducing, reusing, and recycling all year long, I’m always looking for more ways to keep the Earth and, more specifically, the streets of Philadelphia a little cleaner. But I have a confession to make: I still have that bag of plastic shopping bags living in my kitchen. Some stores… continue reading Earth Day Project | Upcycling with Plastic Yarn

By written by Echo P.    April 22, 2021   

Creating on a Budget with Recycled Crafts

Summer is looking a little different this year without in-person programming at the Free Library. As someone who lives for summer arts and crafts programs, I’m sure I’m not the only one itching for some quality craft time with the kids. If you are looking for fun, engaging crafts to make with your kids but don’t have a lot of… continue reading Creating on a Budget with Recycled Crafts

By written by Echo P.    July 1, 2020   

The Do's and Don'ts of Recycling in Philadelphia

I pride myself on being someone who recycles. My grandmother took trash and recycle day in her neighborhood VERY seriously. She would make sure that any jar that had sauce/jam/cream/oil in it was properly rinsed out and magazines and papers filled with old news were stacked and twined neatly. I am sure the men that emptied out her bin every… continue reading The Do's and Don'ts of Recycling in Philadelphia

By written by Kamilah C.    November 15, 2019    6