Philadelphia Reads James Baldwin
Education Philosophy and Religion Department at Parkway Central Library
As part of the Year of James Baldwin, the Free Library is hosting one of many Philadelphia Reads James Baldwin reading groups throughout the city in collaboration with the Saturday Free School for Philosophy and Black Liberation. Celebrate the life, work, and legacy of James Baldwin as we commemorate his 100th year and join us to delve into some of James Baldwin's essays and discuss the material as a group.
The Free Library reading group will be led by Dr. Anthony Monteiro and will meet every other Thursday from 5:30-7:30 p.m. starting on March 7th. The specific dates for the reading group are: March 7, March 21, April 18, May 2, May 16, and May 30. Please note that we will not be meeting on April 4. Stay tuned for summer dates, which will be announced soon.
The reading groups will take place in Room 108 on the 1st floor of Parkway Central Library. Reading materials will be provided and time to do the readings as a group will be incorporated into the evening followed by group discussion. No RSVP is required.
For more information and the read the full vision statement for the Year of James Baldwin, visit
Education Philosophy and Religion Department
Room 205
Parkway Central Library
1901 Vine Street (between 19th and 20th Streets on the Parkway)
Philadelphia, PA 19103
1-833-TALK FLP (825-5357)