Hexamer General Surveys, Volume 1, Plate 27
Maps 1866-1867: Hexamer General Surveys: Volume 1, Plates 1-79Item Info
Street Address: 2nd St, Oxford St and Palethrop St
Street Address: Washington Ave and 21st St
Work Type: Industrial Site Surveys
Source: Map Collection
Facility Name: Campbell & Pollock's Continental Woolen Mills
Address: Washington Ave and 21st St
Corner: SE
Owner: Campbell & Pollock [George Campbell, William J. Pollock]
Products: Textiles-Woolen Goods
Surveys related to this company: 27, 390, 594, 741, 1075, 1526, 1876
Facility Name: James Longs Weaving Establishment
Address: 2nd St, Oxford St and Palethrop St
Corner: SW
Owner: Long, James
- Textiles-Woolen Goods
- Textiles-Cotton Goods
Surveys relatedto this company: 27, 865, 2375, 2647
Northside Orientation of Image: Top
Alternate Page Number: Plate 27
City/Town/Township: Geographic Coverage Ward:26th Ward
Geographic Coverage State/Province:Pennsylvania
Geographic Coverage City/Town/Township:Philadelphia
Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): ca. 1866
Creator Name: Ernest Hexamer - Publisher