Item Info
Material: Pen and ink on paper
"Millions and millions of years - slowly and now the climate had grown colder
Great mountains rolled by in the sky
Glaciers formed and spread over the land where once there were swamp climb up and now there were desserts - Many of the plants of the scene before had disappeared and cone bearing trees took over the leading place in the plant world and reptile - animal layer had eggs or dry land took over the leading role from the amphibians
Act I Scene 6."
Media Type: Illustrations
Source: Children's Literature Research Collection
Provenance: Gift of Virginia Lee Burton, 1968.
Virginia Lee Burton, Life Story (New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1962).
Creation Year (Single Year or Earliest Date): 1962
Image Dimensions Width: 28 cm
Call Number: BURT GREEN 1
Creator Name: Burton, Virginia Lee, 1909-1968 - Artist