Historiated initial D from a breviary depicting St. Nicholas, Bishop of Myra

Medieval Manuscripts Medieval Manuscript Fragments
Historiated initial D from a breviary depicting St. Nicholas, Bishop of Myra

Item Info

Item No: mcai280213
Title: Historiated initial D from a breviary depicting St. Nicholas, Bishop of Myra
Additional Title: Breviary
Script: Gothic bookhand (textualis libraria under cursive influence)
Language: Latin
Folio Number: front 28:21 a
Source: Rare Book Department
Notes: Initial D with St. Nicholas of Myra (or Bari)
Notes: This initial begins the prayer for Matins of the feast of the Translation of St. Nicholas of Myra (or Bari, May 9), "Deus qui tuorum pro salute fidelium beatissimi Nycolay corpus Barrum de Mitrea transferri ..." (God, who for the salvation of your faithful, had willed the body of the Blessed Nicholas to be transferred to Bari from Myra).

St. Nicholas, whose legendary acts of charity led to his association with the gift-giving Santa Claus, lived in Myra, a town in modern-day Turkey, and died there in 346. His relics remained there until May 9, 1087, when several citizens of the Italian city of Bari took his bodily remains from Myra and brought them to Bari, where they can be found today. For various reasons that legends always purport to arise from divine providence, the bodies and relics of saints could be moved or "translated" from one site to another. The day of a saint's translation is often celebrated as a feast day in the medieval calendar. The fact that St. Nicholas' translation is given special attention in this fragment may indicate that the original manuscript was intended for use in or around the town of Bari.

This leaf and Lewis E M 28:21b are from the same manuscript as Lewis E M 28:22-23.
Sirsi Catalog Key: 1668161
Country: Country:France or Flanders

Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): 1499
Image Dimensions Width: 140 mm
ShelfMark: Lewis E M 28:21-23

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