Book of Hours, use of Paris

Medieval Manuscripts

Item Info

Item No: mca0970681
Additional Title: Book of Hours, use of Paris
Script: Gothic bookhand
Language: Latin
Folio Number: f. 68r
Source: Rare Book Department
Notes: David and Bathsheba
Notes: This miniature begins the Penitential Psalms. The scene of David watching Bathsheba at bath was a popular theme to accompany these seven psalms that were recited as an act of penance. After seeing her, David conspires to have Bathsheba's husband Uriah sent to the frontlines of battle, effectively murdering him so that the king could have Bathsheba for himself. The story of David's sin, told in II Samuel, led to his penance and eventual redemption, providing a model for the medieval penitent.

The ornate border includes an unidentified coat of arms in the lower band and an initial P entwined within a love-knot. These are likely references to the original owners of the manuscript
Sirsi Catalog Key: 1559289
Country: Country:France

Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): 1499
Image Dimensions Width: 184 mm
ShelfMark: Lewis E 97