Wheel of Sevens

Item Info

Item No: mcai660163
Additional Title: Wheel of Sevens
Script: Gothic bookhand
Language: Latin
Folio Number: front
Source: Rare Book Department
Notes: Diagram of the Wheel of Sevens
Notes: This image contains a version of a common diagram known as the Wheel of Sevens. It provides a devotional meditation structured around groups of devotional, theological, and moral concepts, including the seven Virtues, the seven Vices, the seven requests of the Lord's Prayer, the seven petitions of the Lord's Prayer, and the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. The concentric bands of the five sevens align radially around the center of the circle, which is here the first words of the Lord's prayer, "Our father who art in heaven." The frame around the diagram places the entire scheme into the context of sacred time. The upper border begins with the Time of Deviation (Tempus deviationis) from Adam to Moses, the right border continues with the Time of the Calling Back (Tempus revocationis) from Moses to Christ, and so on around the frame to the Time of the Pilgrimage of the Church, and ultimately, to the end of Time, signified by the roundel inscribed "Christus iudicans" (Christ in Judgment) at the top of the left frame.
Sirsi Catalog Key: 1648614
Country: Country:France

Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): 1299
Image Dimensions Width: 459 mm
ShelfMark: Lewis E M 66:16a

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