Book of Hours, use of Paris

Medieval Manuscripts
Book of Hours, use of Paris

Item Info

Item No: mca0960230
Additional Title: Book of Hours, use of Paris
Script: Gothic bookhand
Language: Latin and French
Folio Number: 23v-24r
Source: Rare Book Department
Notes: This miniature begins Matins of the Hours of the Virgin. The Annunciation represents the moment when the Virgin conceived the Christ Child through the words spoken by the angel. This scene commonly appears at the beginning of this hour in books of hours. More unusual is the miniature on the preceding page, which represents the tree of Jesse. The image visualizes the prophecy from Isaiah 11:1-3, "And there shall come forth a rod out of the root of Jesse, and a flower shall rise up out of his root." Jesse was the father of King David and the tree shows how Christ (represented with Mary as the flower at the top of the tree) was descended from the Old Testament king. The two images work together to show the prophecy and its fulfillment in the incarnation.
Notes: Tree of Jesse and the Annunciation
Sirsi Catalog Key: 1597385
Country: Country:France

Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): 1499
Image Dimensions Width: 162 mm
ShelfMark: Lewis E 96