Betrayal of Calais to the French in 1557

Medieval Manuscripts
Betrayal of Calais to the French in 1557

Item Info

Item No: mca2386661
Additional Title: Betrayal of Calais to the French in 1557
Script: Anglicana
NickName: Brut Chronicle
Language: English
Folio Number: second rear flyleaf
Source: Rare Book Department
Notes: This note was written by William Lymnor of Sharrington in Norfolk sometime after 1557. The note asks God to punish "accordyng to their desarvyng and to the example of all other traytours" Sir Ralph Chamberlyn, the lieutenant governer of Calais, and the captains of "Reysbank" and "Newnambrydge" (two fortified positions near Calais) for betraying the places under their command to the French. Mr. Lymnor's prayers were eventually answered when the officers were executed for treason in December of 1559.
Notes: This part of the manuscript can be dated to after 1557. The text is a note recording the betrayal of Calais to the French in 1557, written by William Lymnor of Sharrington.
Sirsi Catalog Key: 1550309
Country: Country:England

Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): 1575
Image Dimensions Width: 301 mm
ShelfMark: Lewis E 238
Creator Name: William Lymnor of Sharrington - Author

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